Community Primary School

01748 832292

01748 832292

For Parents


In the first instance, please contact Mrs Kirsty Pascoe, Admissions Co-ordinator, to discuss any admission enquiry.

Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery age)

FS1 is a 90 place unit.  We admit children into our Foundation Stage (Nursery) as soon as they are 3 (if spaces are available), however, we receive the Early Years Grant for the children from the term after their 3rd birthday.  This grant pays for 15 hours of provision each week which is broken into either morning sessions (8:45am-11:45am) or afternoon sessions (12:30pm-3:30pm). 

As part of the provision, we can accommodate a number of places for the 30 hour funded sessions.  Please speak to Mrs Pascoe in the school office regarding availability for 30 hour places. 


Foundation Stage 2 (Reception) to Year 6

For admissions to full time school for Reception age children (FS2), and for any other admission for Years 1 to Year 6, you will be directed to complete an on-line application for North Yorkshire Council (see link below).

Admissions for  Foundation Stage 2 to Year 6 are dealt with by North Yorkshire Council's Admissions Procedure however, early contact with Mrs Kirsty Pascoe (Admissions Co-ordinator) helps with the allocation of places and can provide an insight as to available places.

North Yorkshire Admissions