On-line Payments & Information System
At Le Cateau, we use a convenient way to pay for school meals, educational visits, swimming and Breakfast Club using a secure on-line payment system through Arbor.
We actively encourage as many parents as possible to use this system to reduce the amount of cash being brought into school.
Using your credit or debit card, Arbor offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the highest internet security available.
A secure on-line account is created for all pupils in school and is accessed via the Arbor website or the Arbor App (which can be downloaded from the Play Store or Apple App Store). You will be issued with a unique username and password.
Making a payment is straightforward and Arbor holds a payment history for you to view at any time. No card details are stored in any part of the system. Once you have activated your account you can begin making payments immediately.
As each transaction incurs a cost to the school there is a minimum transaction amount of £10.50. We encourage parents to pay for as much as possible in a single payment. For example, you could make payments for multiple weeks of school meals as well as making payments for Breakfast Club or swimming sessions, all in one transaction.
Your support in using Arbor will help the school enormously. Please enquire at the school office if you need any further information.