Community Primary School

01748 832292

01748 832292

For Parents


Regular school attendance has always been important.

Without it the efforts of the best teachers and the best schools will come to nothing. Education provides a means of advancement for all young people. Pupils need to attend regularly if they are to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them in law. Irregular attendance undermines the educational process and leads to educational disadvantage.

Regular attendance at school promotes pupils’ wellbeing and gives them the best chance of learning and reaching their potential.

Pupils should attend school every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.

Good attendance is important because pupils:

  • make more progress academically and socially;
  • cope better with school routines, work and friendships;
  • find learning easier because they do not miss out;
  • feel more confident;
  • are more successful moving between primary school, secondary school, higher education and employment or training;
    are known to be safe and well by us.

Absence & Illness

Our school community enjoys excellent attendance, but if your child is ill, it is best to give them time off to regain full health.  For current guidance on when your child should return to school, please speak to the school admin team.

If your child is ill during school time, whenever possible parents will be contacted so the child can be taken home, as school is not the best place for an unwell child.

If you have concerns regarding attendance, we are all happy to help. Please talk to the office staff, Mr Mottram (Headteacher) or your child’s teacher.

Reporting Absences

It is parents' responsibility to inform school of the reason for a child's absence as soon as possible.

Parents are expected to contact the School Office on the first day of absence before 9:00 am giving as much information as is available at that time. If the absence is prolonged, interim information would be appreciated, so that the school can help with homework or other necessary arrangements.

In the event of no contact having been made regarding a child's absence, the parents will be contacted by the School Office. If unexplained absence continues, or the school is concerned regarding irregular attendance, the Local Authority Attendance Officer will be contacted.

Attendance Policy

Leave of absence application form

Attendance Graph