Community Primary School

01748 832292

01748 832292

Our Curriculum

The nature of Le Cateau School’s curriculum is driven by the aims of the National Curriculum and links to:

  • the international and cultural diversity of our school
  • the background and experiences of the pupils we teach
  • the locality of the school within North Yorkshire

Our curriculum is enriched through book-based themes, a range of visits, visitors and practical experiences that make learning real and memorable.

Our Aims:

  • To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society
  • To prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life
  • To recognise each child as an individual
  • To celebrate the achievements of all children, promoting their thirst to succeed
  • To work in partnership with parents and the community
  • To ensure parents and carers engage in their children’s learning experience through consultations, workshops, presentations and information-sharing through daily informal interactions

We strive to create 'well-educated young people' who set and maintain 'high expectations' for themselves.

Expectations posters (3)

To find out more about the curriculum covered each half term, please select the appropriate year group on the left hand side.  If you wish to discuss the curriculum further then please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with Mrs Rachel Horvath, Curriculum Leader who has responsibility for the curriculum.

Our values:

In order to support the curriculum, we have established a set of core values.  The values are integrated into the curriculum and enhance each child's development.

Values posters (1)

National Curriculum