Community Primary School

01748 832292

01748 832292

Our School


Here at Le Cateau CP School, we believe in supporting all learners in order for them to make the most progress they possibly can. 

The majority of children will require some additional support or intervention at some stage in their education.  Children are defined as having special educational needs or disability (SEND) if they have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of their age which calls for additional or different educational provision to be made for them.

Special Educational Needs are the responsibility of all staff within school. At Le Cateau, we have a large team dedicated to supporting children. The team is overseen by Mrs Whitby who undertakes the role of SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator).  She can be contacted here or via the following email address; 

*Mrs Whitby is a non-teaching member of staff and her working days are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs Bachini, Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Porter are Higher Level Teaching Assistants supporting a number of children with their Literacy developments and deliver a number of programmes linked to phonics and reading. They work with a number of children supporting them with specific learning difficulties, phonological developments, speech and language and memory recall.

The school's Learning Mentor and Autism Specialist,  Ms Gilpin, supports children in engaging with their learning.  She supports a range of children within the classroom, undertakes work on an individual basis with children supporting emotional and social needs and ensures there is a link between home and school.  In addition to this, Mrs Burrows works alongside Ms Gilpin as a Social, Emotional and Mental Health specialist.  They support in classrooms but also deliver bespoke sessions within The Retreat.

We can also provide additional support for Parents through the deployment of a Service Pupil Champion.  Mrs Campbell is the Service Pupil Champion for North Yorkshire and was a former teacher and Service Pupil Lead at Le Cateau.  She undertakes this role and works closely with parents and families to support pupils in their learning.  She runs a range of  "drop in" sessions, workshops on anxiety and the Parent First Aid programme. Please speak to the Office for further details.

In addition to this, we have a large number of non-teaching staff providing specific support for pupils with SEND. This can include support within classrooms, small group work on specific interventions and 1:1 sessions addressing targets identified through Focussed Mentoring. Additional administrative support is provided by the admin team.

Le Cateau Community Primary School SEN Information Report

SEN information report May 2024

SEND Policy

Accessibility Policy and Plan 2024 - 2027

North Yorkshire Local Offer 

NYC Local Offer

North Yorkshire Guidance on Dyslexia

Dyslexia Leaflet

Defence Children Services (DCS) 

Part of the MOD’s Defence Children Service (DCS) includes the Education Advisory Team (EAT) and the Overseas Education and Supportability Team (OEST).  They are a tri-service organisation which supports Service and eligible MOD civilian families trying to secure appropriate educational provision for their children and young people both in the UK and overseas. 

We recommend that Service families who have a child with SEND register with EAT as an additional support mechanism.  Relevant information can be found here.