Community Primary School

01748 832292

01748 832292

Our School

School Sports Premium

PE and Sport at Le Cateau Primary School

Our school already has a well-established positive attitude towards sport and exercise.  Pupils are given lots of opportunities in school to try new activities and develop their skills in a range of sports with a strong emphasis on participation and enjoyment.

PE lessons are aimed at developing skills that can easily be transferred into individual and team sports.  There are a number of staff with specific skills who share knowledge and expertise with colleagues across the school. Every child takes part in a minimum of two hours of PE per week, including games, athletics, gymnastics, dance and outdoor and adventurous activities. In addition to this, all children have the opportunity to partake in 5 hours of swimming lessons each year from Year 1 to Year 6.

As well as holding our own Intra House sports matches, our school aims to enter as many Inter School competitions as possible, involving children of ranging ages and abilities. We have enjoyed lots of success in cross country, football, cricket, hockey, gymnastics, swimming and athletics over a long period of time.  The school has had regular appearances at Area and County finals and at the Youth Sports Games in gymnastics, cross country and football.

We offer a wide range of lunchtime and after school sports clubs throughout the year for all age groups, including gymnastics, football, multi-skills, sticky kids, running, netball, athletics and cricket. Some of these clubs run all year round and some are seasonal.

What is the Sports Premium?

After 2013, all UK schools will receive funding from the Department for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. The purpose of the funding is to improve the provision of PE and school sport.

Each year, the Department for Education requires each school to publish:

  • how much funding is received
  • a full breakdown of how you’ve spent the funding or will spend the funding
  • the effect of the premium on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment
  • how we will make sure these improvements are sustainable

2023/24 Action Plan and Budget Tracker

2022/23 Action Plan and Budget Tracker

2021/22 Action Plan and Budget Tracker